Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh


Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education


Bangladesh has achieved significant economic growth with impressive progress in human development indicators in the past decades. This achievement and pace of development need to be further intensified and streamlined in a planned manner to meet the target of achieving the status of middle income country by 2021 as set forth in Vision 2021. In order to build up an efficient system of more dynamic economy by 2021, it is imperative to reduce the poverty rate, where investing in the right type of education is the key to reduce poverty. A more relevant secondary education system can serve the nation by providing semi-skilled, skilled and vocationally trained workers who can serve the fast growing domestic market as well as emerging niche markets at home and abroad and thereby help the nation to attain the targets of achieving the status of middle income country in stipulated time.

The Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (2013-2023) in Bangladesh is designed with the assistance of ADB to achieve a more relevant secondary education in terms of quality, efficiency and equity through developing the secondary education sector as a whole. The program is prepared to facilitate the implementation guidelines and directives regarding secondary education as set forth in the National Education Policy 2010 as well as in achieving the targets predetermined in Vision 2021. It will make secondary education more relevant to job market by promoting efficient management, education quality and retention of students at secondary level.

This program is undertaken as a follow-up initiative of previous ADB assisted programs i.e. SEDP, SESDP, SESIP & TQI to ensure the continuity of various reforms in the field of curriculum , teachers’ capacity, examination & assessment , ICT based pedagogy, decentralized management, EMIS, planning , management & coordination including infrastructure improvement etc.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) is the executing agency of SESIP whereas the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) acts as the implementing agency. The other co-implementing agencies involved in implementation include National Academy for Education Management (NAEM), Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) , Education Engineering Department (EED) , Directorate of Inspection and Audit (DIA), Non-Government Teachers’ Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA) ,  Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) including Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board (BMEB). The location of the program is all over Bangladesh.

The highest level of oversight of the program lays on the Inter-Ministerial Sector Program Steering Committee (SPSC) lead by the Secretary, MoE with DG, DSHE as the Member Secretary. The Sector Program Implementation Committee (SPIC) headed by DG, DSHE acts as the second level implementation and supervision committee. The third level of facilitation is a Sector Program Support Unit (SPSU) comprising of management team lead by Program Director (Ex-officio DG, DSHE) supported by JPD with designated officials and staff including technical assistance team.

Using a Multi-trench Financing Facility (MFF) mode, SESIP will support secondary education in Bangladesh over 10 years in three tranches overlapped; the program is designed in line with the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) roadmap that aims at strengthening regular functions of MoE and DSHE by keeping uniformity in managing the huge number of scattered projects & programs and thereby minimizing the resource misuse.

The total revised program financing is $ 185,000,000 from ADB and $ 2949 million from GoB involving Trench I & II.

  1. Targets/Outputs of SESIP

The outcome of SESIP will be achieved by the completion of thirteen (13) outputs, grouped under three Results Areas as stated below:

Results  Area-IEnhanced quality and relevance of secondary education


1.1Improved quality and relevance of curriculum
1.2Strengthen teacher capacity
1.3Improved classroom assessment and national examinations
1.4Enhanced use of ICT for pedagogy
1.5Improved labor market relevance



Results  Area-II Increased equitable access and retention in secondary education


2.1School infrastructure improvement
2.2Flexible learning pathways
2.3Improved access & retentions








Results  Area-III Strengthen governance, management and administration


3.1Strengthened decentralized education management
3.2Strengthened education information management
3.3Improved teacher management
3.4Effective planning, management , coordination and harmonization
3.5Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and reporting






  1. Component-wise description of SESIP with outputs




 Output by 2017
Results Area -1 : Enhanced quality and relevance of secondary education
1.1 Improved quality and relevance of curriculum ·         Development & approval of National Curriculum Policy Framework (NCPF)  and implementation for all streams of school education including general schools, madrasha and vocational schools (grades 1-12) that defines the core competencies and learning benchmark

·         Deliver an advanced teaching and learning particularly in Science, Mathematics and English using ICT based and other modern tools & equipment

·         Preparation of a curriculum implementation plan that includes training for teachers in Math., Science, English , Bangla and Bangladesh Global Studies teachers for general education and madrasha using face-to face and e-learning modalities

·       �� Curriculum dissemination training for the teachers

·         Promotion of science through a PPP-financed science media campaign

·  ����  �� �� Providing science lab equipment and teaching –aid packages for schools

������         Inclusion of marginalized groups including indigenous peoples, poor and low income groups, and girls/women in textbooks, materials and training etc.


·   Science room refurbishment plan is developed and approved by MoE

·   ��     Science teacher training center plan is developed and approved by MoE

��         NCTB bifurcation plan is developed and approved by MoE

·         Local training for 5 core subjects are imparted to 100,000 teachers

·��        Local training for 30,000 Head Teachers /Madrasha Supers

·         Supply of science equipment to 7000 schools and 3000 madrashas

·   ��     Oversees training to 1000 practical science teachers

·         Supply of science furniture to 7000 schools and 3000 madrashas

·         Cluster Center School implementation plan is prepared and approved

��         E-learning follow-up training to 6400 teachers and 1900 HTs/Supers/SMCs

1.2 Strengthen teacher capacity��·  ��������������������   ��  National Secondary Teacher Development Policy (STDP) approved and implemented ; this includes approval and implementation of the National Framework for Secondary Teacher pre and in-service curriculum specified for all TTCs  including agreed service standards

·  ��      At least 15 TTCs are awarded a Centre of Excellence status in English , Science and Mathematics


·         National  Secondary Teacher Development Policy is approved and disseminated
1.3 Improved classroom assessment and national examinations  ·         National Student Assessment (NSA) Plan approved and implemented; NSA for Grades 8 and 10 are piloted , applied and improved

·    ��    National Examination Policy including adaption of new exam. innovations that assesses the competencies indentified in the National Curriculum Policy framework ( NCPF) approved and implemented

·         Training on Continuous Assessment (CA) & Creative Questions (CQ) guidelines for teachers

·    ����  �� Quantitative and qualitative assessment study on CA &CQ  implementation



·    ��    Field study on Continuous Assessment

·����       National Assessment Center( formerly BEDU) is refurbished and equipped

·         National Assessment Center Law is drafted for approval by parliament

·         240,000 teachers are trained on CQ for 17 subjects

·         200,000 teachers are trained on script evaluation

·         40,000 teachers are trained on updated CA

·      ��������  40,000 question setters, moderators and examiners are trained

1.4 Enhanced use of ICT for pedagogy ·   ��     ICT  Master Plan approved and implemented

·  ��  ��   All secondary schools equipped with ICT facilities (ICT lab, multimedia classrooms, digital contents and library) that are effectively used

·  ��    �� E-learning modules in Bangla, English, Mathematics , Science and other relevant subjects are developed and used in  schools



���������������� ��       Policy proposals for providing Tablets to 35 lac grade 6 students

· ��   ��   ICT Sustainability Plan is prepared & approved by MoE

· ��       School Connectivity Feasibility Study report with fiber optic is prepared and approved

·         Oversees training to 640 Teachers, 640 HTs of ICT Learning center

·         Training of 700 teachers, HTs/supers on ICT

1.5 Improved labor market relevance


 ����    ��   Pre vocational and vocational subjects developed and introduced at grades 8-9·         Preparation , approval & implementation of Pre-vocational and Vocational Implementation Plan (PVIP)

·         Construction of 640 new pilot classroom for pre-vocational and vocational programs

·         Supply of furniture and equipment to 640  pilot schools

Results Area ���II :  Increased equitable access and retention in secondary education
2.1 School infrastructure improvement ·   ����    Secondary school 5-year rolling need-based infrastructure development plan ( new construction and rehabilitation) developed , approved, and implemented·��  ��     Preparation and approval of  5-year rolling Education Institution Construction Policy with minimum service standards for infrastructure & equipment

��         About 7,000 schools in underserved areas expanded in accordance with the improved minimum standard of school construction

2.2 Flexible learning pathways   ·         NEP 2010 mandates a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) based on compulsory core subjects to enable student transfer across all schools types and streams; accordingly integration of NQF is to be made as a long-term outcome focused with planning & implementations of the program·��        Flexible Learning Pathway study is conducted focusing with planning and implementation schedule
2.3 Improved access & retentions


 ·         A more efficient and harmonized pro-poor stipend program to be implemented ; 80% stipend recipients  to be retained in schools

·         Capacity of DSHE in stipend program implementation , monitoring & evaluation increased  with awareness building

·         SEQAEP Reading Habit Development Program (RHDP)  to be extended and expanded


·      ��  Harmonized pro-poor stipend program implemented

·         Community Awareness on pro-poor stipend program expanded

· ����       Resource Teacher Program for marginalized groups introduced in 1000 schools

·         Upazilla –level Award Program  introduced

·         National campaign for Students’ Counseling  implemented

·         Piloting of RHDP to 300 selected institutions

Results Area –III :  Strengthen governance, management and administration


3.1 Strengthened decentralized secondary education management ·         A fully functioning decentralized secondary education management through strengthening effective resource allocation , financial monitoring and transitioning to a decentralized administration , particularly for the monthly pay order (MPO)

·         Effective systems of resource  allocation to schools which includes improved /web-based MPO system and grants to school in place

·         Decentralization Plan is prepared and approved by  MoE

·   ��     MPO policy is reviewed and revised policy drafted ; web-based MPO system and grants to school in place

·��        Teacher Training Coordinators are recruited and posted in 487 Upazillas

·         Study for vertical expansion of DEO is conducted

·         Additional zonal office manpower in place

·��  ��     Thana Education Offices (25) are constructed

·��        District Education Office (1) is constructed in Bandarban

· ������������ ��  �� Vertical extension of 64 DEO are completed with equipment & furniture supplied

����         Oversees training for 350 field level officials completed

·   ��������    Plan and design for new DSHE building is prepared and approved

3.2 Strengthened  education  information management ·   ��     Strengthened and harmonized operations and sets of databases between BANBEIS and the DSHE EMIS

·  ��      All teachers and education managers trained to operate upgraded school-based EMIS

·    ��    EMIS , DSHE capacity enhanced with continuous capacity development for improved EMIS at zonal , district & upazilla & institution level

·   �� ����   Continuous review of EMIS  web ���based modules and harmonized EMIS operations between sets of sector data established


3.3 Improved teacher management · �� ����     Transformation of Non-government Teacher Registration and Certification Authority

( NTRCA)  into Non-government Teacher Selection Commission (NTSC) with a 3 step teacher registration process ; e.g initial , provisional���� and continuous that links achievement of teaching competencies to professional advancement

·       �� Availability of newly registered teachers profiles and employment status on on-line and school-based electronic recruitment through a new NTRCA EMIS module

·          NTSC established and operationalized

·         Teacher performance management system in place and operational

3.4 Effective planning, management , coordination and harmonization ·         Harmonized secondary education program funded from domestic and external resources under a common secondary education program framework in line with NEP and using Medium Term Budget Framework ( MTBF) as sector financing framework

·  ��  ��   MoE and DSHE re-organized to strengthen capacity in result-based sector planning and management under a SWAp

·��  ��������     MoE and relevant agencies strengthened capacity in procurement , financial management and good governance











·  ����      SWAp to be effective ; an institutional assessment is undertaken and report published

· ��       DSHE Capacity Building Plan is developed and approved by MoE

·         PPP cell established to support partnership initiatives

·         Procurement capacity development plan including e-procurement strengthened

·�� ������ ��   2000 District and Upazilla level officials are trained on procurement

·  ����      E-GP follow up training is imparted to 100 officials

3.5 Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and reporting  ·         MTBF and Annual Development Plan harmonized in consistent with NEP priority goals and objectives

·      ��  Annual Secondary Education Sector Performance Reports are approved , shared and used as a basis of planning

· ����   ���� �� M&E system strengthened and institutionalized

·         DIA Capacity Development Plan is developed and approved by MoE

·   ��     PBM standard reviewed with defined measurable secondary school quality standard (SSQS) improvement targets

·   ��   �� Linking of EMIS to school based information supply chain




Copyright © 2015-2023 | Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (SESIP)